
Parliamentary breakfast

Using home-field advantage with PETRA IV instead of standing on the sidelines: This was the motto of the parliamentary breakfast that DESY organized together with guests for the members of the German Bundestag on June 27.

Particle accelerators and filter coffee

In the meeting room of the Research Committee, important issues can sometimes be controversial. However, at the DESY PETRA IV parliamentary breakfast on 27 June in Berlin's Paul Löbe House, the members of parliament and DESY's guests agreed: the complementary forces of science, industry, and applied research form the basis for the transfer of technology and knowledge to society. The fact that DESY is creating with PETRA IV new conditions for interlinking these forces was confirmed with this discussion. The superlative X-ray microscope will be irreplaceable for the research industry, for medicine, and for technological sovereignty. An impressive example: There are already 38 collaborations between the German clusters of excellence and DESY's X-ray light sources.

Numerous members of the Research Committee of the German Bundestag from the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, SPD, FDP, Die Linke, and CDU/CSU parliamentary groups joined the discussion. They took the opportunity to obtain up-to-date information on the future project PETRA IV personally from DESY Directorate members Beate Heinemann, Helmut Dosch, and Arik Willner. A big thank you goes to Holger Becker, Member of the Bundestag, for taking on the chairmanship of the event.

Holger Hanselka, President of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, supported PETRA IV: "We have an excellent complementary science system in Germany. Many Fraunhofer Institutes are already working closely with DESY, and through  this unique interface, where everyone contributes their strengths, we jointly generate unique data and thus insights into industrial issues in Germany."

Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro, Dean of the University Hospital UKE, brought the health research perspective and the broad consensus into the discussion. PETRA IV will offer unique opportunities for biomedical research and open up new treatment options in the long term. In her speech, Katharina Fegebank, 2nd Mayor and Senator for Science in Hamburg, reaffirmed the City of Hamburg's strong commitment to PETRA IV. 

Portrait of Heidrun Hillen
Press and Media / Communication

Heidrun Hillen

I am happy to answer your questions about PETRA IV.

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