Media credits
Authorship / copyright
If images are not marked otherwise, the copyright owner is Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY.
DESY, Science Communication Lab
DESY, Rüdiger Nehmzow
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Rolf Otzipka
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Gesine Born
The heart of PETRA IV
DESY, Gesine Born
DESY, Christian Schmid
Hereon, Christian Schmid
X-ray screening for materials
Hereon, Christian Schmid
Partner for research and industry
DESY, Christian Schmid
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Heiner Müller-Elsner
DESY, Reimo Schaaf
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Science Communication Lab
Contact us
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Science Communication Lab
mocca studio
Matthias Friedel
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Science Communication Lab
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Science Communication Lab
DESY, Gesine Born
Tina Rolf: Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland/ @trolf, unsplash.com
DESY, iStock-1220788400/ author/ istockphoto.com
Heiner Müller-Elsner
Lucid Berlin, Stock-Fotografie-ID:463432805/ Harvepino/ istockphoto.com
Anne Gaertner
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Lucid Berlin
Edith Heard
DESY, Marta Mayer
Speed dating for active ingredients
DESY, Christian Schmid
More detailed images of implants
Krüger et. al 2021
DESY, Lucid Berlin
Lucid Berlin, Stock-Fotografie-ID:463432805/ Harvepino/ istockphoto.com
DESY, Marta Mayer
3D laser printing for metals
Hereon, Christian Schmid
Peter Staron
Hereon, Peter Staron
Sprayed-on solar cells
DESY, Eberhard Reimann
DESY, Christian Schmid
DESY, Gesine Born
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Gesine Born
DESY, Lucid Berlin
DESY, Marta Mayer
Nanofactories for green hydrogen
DESY, Gesine Born
DESY, Marta Mayer
Nanosponge for generating electricity
matt-power-TpHmEoVSmfQ-unsplash/ unsplash.com
TU HH/ Pressestelle
DESY, Lucid Berlin
DESY, Marta Mayer
Heiner Müller-Elsner
New technologies
Heiner Müller-Elsner
DESY, Lucid Berlin
DESY, Marta Mayer
Promising disorder
Center for High Pressure Science, Qiaoshi Zeng
Konstantin Glazyrin
DESY, Marta Mayer
Heiner Müller-Elsner
Earth and the environment
Tina Rolf: Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland/ @trolf, unsplash.com
DESY, Lucid Berlin
DESY, Marta Mayer
On the way to green chemistry
FHI, Amin Akhtar
Beatriz Roldán Cuenya
DESY, Marta Mayer
Cultural heritage
DESY, iStock-1220788400/ author/ istockphoto.com
DESY, TU Delft
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Christian Schmid
DESY, Gesine Born
DESY, Marta Mayer
DESY, Science Communication Lab
Tina Rolf: Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland/ @trolf, unsplash.com
DESY, iStock-1220788400/ author/ istockphoto.com
Heiner Müller-Elsner
Lucid Berlin, Stock-Fotografie-ID:463432805/ Harvepino/ istockphoto.com
Michael Setzpfandt
Web design
DESY, Studio Good
Gesine Born
Science Communication Lab
Licensed from Studio Good, Planufer 92D, 10967 Berlin
Daniel Bullinger
Ilka Flegel
Joseph Piergrossi
Ilka Flegel

Heidrun Hillen
I am happy to answer your questions about PETRA IV.
Further research topics

How can diseases be better tackled?

New materials
How can we save resources?

How can we make more resilient materials?

New technologies
What do we need for the digital world of tomorrow?

Earth and the environment
How do we preserve our ecosystems?

Cultural heritage
How can we preserve our cultural treasures?