On the research campus of the future
DESY has been performing pioneering work with its photon sources since 1964. Since then, the accelerators and light sources have been continuously developed and renewed. As a result, the campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld today offers a wide range of experimental opportunities that attracts outstanding scientists from all over the world.
In Hamburg, DESY is creating a model for the research campus of the future, in which cutting-edge research with ultramodern large-scale research facilities, training of young scientists and transfer to industry and society are closely interlinked. DESY, parts of the University of Hamburg and other top scientific institutes already ensure international appeal. Other natural science departments at the University of Hamburg as well as the Altona Innovation Park will bring additional dynamism.

Strong partnerships
In 2007, the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) was founded as a joint institution of DESY, the Max Planck Society and the University of Hamburg. The CFEL experts investigate the rapid processes in the nanocosmos with different research tools: Some groups use the short X-ray flashes of DESY’s free-electron laser FLASH or the European XFEL X-ray laser. Other teams work with optical lasers or conduct research with electron beams or scanning tunnelling microscopes. https://www.cfel.de/
The aim of the Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences (CDCS) is to strengthen research in the field of digitisation in the upcoming Science City Hamburg Bahrenfeld. To this end, researchers from DESY, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the University of Hamburg are working together in this interdisciplinary centre. https://www.cdcs.uni-hamburg.de/en/zentrum.html
The Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) is an interdisciplinary research institution on the DESY campus. It is coordinated by the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research; DESY and EMBL are significantly involved, as are partners from various universities and research institutions in Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. Their common goal is to track down the attacks of pathogens with atomic precision. https://www.cssb-hamburg.de/
Four strong research partners are working together in the Centre for X-ray and Nano Science (CXNS): Helmholtz Centre Hereon, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Hamburg University of Technology and DESY. They offer excellent facilities for preparing samples for the DESY X-ray light sources. In addition, researchers can use complementary investigation methods to optimally exploit the research potential on campus. https://photon-science.desy.de/research/research_teams/x_ray_physics_and_nanoscience/index_eng.html
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) maintains an outstation at DESY in Hamburg, which operates a purpose-built, integrated research facility for structural biology. At three state-of-the-art measuring stations, researchers can use the outstanding properties of the X-rays produced by PETRA III for novel applications in the life sciences. Here, all steps from high-throughput protein crystallisation to sample preparation and data processing can be carried out under one roof – significantly accelerating research into molecules that determine human disease or health. https://www.embl.org/sites/hamburg/
The Helmholtz Centre Hereon maintains an outstation for materials science at DESY. This is geared towards engineering materials research and consists of two beamlines at the PETRA III X-ray source.
The institute investigates dynamic phenomena in matter on the elementary time scales of atomic and electronic motion. Scientists use DESY’s high-power light sources to study the structure and properties of matter on an atomic scale and on ultrashort time scales, in the femto- and attosecond range. https://www.mpg.de/7067564/structure-and-dynamics-of-matter
DESY maintains particularly close ties with the University of Hamburg. The DESY campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld is home to several university institutes that collaborate with DESY. The range of research work extends from experimental and theoretical particle physics through accelerator, laser and X-ray physics to optical quantum technologies. https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en.html/
The innovation centre “Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld”, located on the research campus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, is a joint project between DESY, the University of Hamburg and the City of Hamburg. The start-up centre is funded by the City of Hamburg and provides offices and laboratory space in the high-tech surroundings of DESY and various institutes of the University of Hamburg for entrepreneurs, start-ups and established companies working in the fields of research being pursued on the campus. https://slb.hamburg/

PETRA IV Project Office
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Further research topics

How can diseases be better tackled?

New materials
How can we save resources?

How can we make more resilient materials?

New technologies
What do we need for the digital world of tomorrow?

Earth and the environment
How do we preserve our ecosystems?

Cultural heritage
How can we preserve our cultural treasures?