Groundbreaking decision for PETRA IV
Forty million euros of starting funding for the world's most powerful X-ray light source.
In yesterday's meeting of the Budget Committee for the federal budget 2024, the financing of an important preparatory project for the 3D X-ray microscope PETRA IV at DESY was decided. DESY will receive 40 million euros as start-up financing for its future project.
„This is a truly great signal from the German government in these difficult times," explains Helmut Dosch, Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors. "The PETRA IV high-tech research facility is seen as a driver of innovation. For me, this decision is the starting signal for the Hamburg project of the future.“
Arik Willner, Chief Technology Officer at DESY: "What a strong signal for Germany as a center of innovation. With the federal funding that has now been approved and the ten percent co-financing from Hamburg, we will begin to build the ultimate nano data factory for science, industry, start-ups and clinics. This will have an enormous signal effect in sectors such as energy generation, semiconductors, medical technology, quantum systems and data-driven technologies. We are ready to go!"
The funds can be used for preparatory measures for the PETRA IV X-ray microscope. This includes, in particular, the design and prototype of an innovative, energy-saving accelerator technology and the transformation of the business model.
Heidrun Hillen
I am happy to answer your questions about PETRA IV.